// all deps
// all direct deps
:root > *
// direct production deps
:root > .prod
// direct development deps
:root > .dev
// any peer dep of a direct deps
:root > * > .peer
// any workspace dep
// all workspaces that depend on another workspace
.workspace > .workspace
// all workspaces that have peer deps
// any dep named "lodash"
// equivalent to [name="lodash"]
// any deps named "lodash" & within semver range ^"1.2.3"
// equivalent to...
// get the hoisted node for a given semver range
// querying deps with a specific version
// equivalent to...
// has any deps
// deps with no other deps (ie. "leaf" nodes)
// manually querying git dependencies
// querying for all git dependencies
// get production dependencies that aren't also dev deps
// get dependencies with specific licenses
[license=MIT], [license=ISC]
// find all packages that have @ruyadorno as a contributor
:attr(contributors, [email=ruyadorno@github.com])